Curriculum Highlights
Douglas MacArthur is a Responsive Classroom School. Our academic, encore and social-emotional programs work in conjunction to teach the whole child.
Highlights include:
- Art instruction with a certified art teacher once a week
- Balanced Literacy with Fountas and Pinnel Benchmark Assessments
- Colonial Fair - Grade 4
- Daily Morning News/TV Studio
- Eight mobile laptop carts serve classrooms
- English Learners (EL) program
- Foss Science
- Instruction in family life education at levels appropriate to age
- Instrumental music, band and orchestra, beginning in grade 4
- LD Resource with inclusion
- Math Expressions and Hands on Standards
- Physical education classes by a certified P.E. teacher twice a week
- Reading Specialists
- Special Education: resource and inclusion
- Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy
- Talented and Gifted (TAG) program
- Vocal music instruction with a certified music teacher once a week
- Weekly library visits